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Groceries for Granny & Smile Delivery

Groceries for Granny is an endeavour that is very close to my heart. It is inspired by the dedication and love I have for a truly incredible person. My Oma.


Parents and grandparents are so important. Their love, care, wisdom, strength, and support help to make us who we are. After so many years of taking care of us, as they age, we want to take the best possible care of them, too. 


For many years, I’ve taken my Oma grocery shopping. It’s been a great opportunity to enjoy a meal with her, hear some of her wonderful stories and insights, and make sure she has a fridge full of healthy food. Oma doesn’t get out to shop much anymore, but I still get together with her, enjoy a nice breakfast, and head out to shop for her groceries. Oma will be 94 years young in October. 


As a CAIN-RHNP™, I can make sure she has the nutritious foods and supplements she needs to continue feeling her best. It’s an honour to be able to help care for her, after so many years of her loving and caring for me, and for our family. 


With that, Smile is extremely excited and proud to offer Groceries for Granny, brought to you by Smile Delivery. This service starts with a 90 minute Groceries for Granny Nutrition Consultation that can be done virtually, or I can come in person to meet with you and your family. This consultation is clearly indicated in the booking options on Jane App.


At this consultation, we'll have a chance to get to know each other and we will go through the intake form (emailed to you upon booking). We'll assess the needs of your loved one, and I'll take a couple of days to create the appropriate grocery and supplement lists, which I will then email to you for review. We can book the shopping day once you've approved.


The shopping day is a half day service. I will shop for and deliver the groceries and supplements. If requested, I'll also be happy to put the groceries away. We can book the next shopping day at this time. Shopping days can be booked as frequently as you like, but I suggest monthly or bi-weekly.


As time goes on, if we need to meet again to discuss new nutritional requirements, we can do so. Please book one of the regular follow-up appointments to do this. If you're a GfG client, I will know.


*Please note that this service does not include the cost of food or supplements.


If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to email If you'd like to book a Groceries for Granny Nutrition Consultation, you can click here.

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