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Smile Wellness FAQs

Updated: 5 days ago

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day long weekend! I hope you’re ready to have a great long weekend, with those you love most.

I want to update you all on what you can expect from Smile Wellness going forward, and go over some of the questions that I've been asked most often. I hope this week's blog is helpful so you can get to know what Smile does, and what you can expect when you become a Smile client.

I’ve got a few FAQs put together now, so here we go!

1. Can I submit Smile services to my insurance company?

The short answer is, YES.

Any consultation or follow-up service can be submitted, if your particular insurance plan covers holistic nutrition services. Many plans do include a wellness package. Ask your insurance provider if holistic nutrition services are covered under your plan.

I’ve had some questions about Groceries for Granny and submitting for that as well. Any consultations can be submitted. The shopping days aren’t eligible for submission.

2. Why is your intake form so long?

I get it. It’s long. The more information I have though, the more I can specifically address your concerns and create a detailed plan for you. You don’t have to fill out every single thing on the form, but the more you fill out, the better and we will go over everything during your initial intake. We can go over things you might have left out as well if we need to. Make sure that you complete your form before your intake appointment, so we can make the most of your intake time.

3. What happens after my intake?

After we’ve gone through your intake form and spent time going over what your concerns and needs are, I take time to go through it and come up with a plan for you. This includes a meal plan, supplement schedules, and some recipes to get your started. I do this after your intake. This gives me an opportunity to be completely present during the intake, get to know you and your needs better, and take some notes that I can put together more comprehensively later on. Within 1-2 days, I’ll be emailing your plan to you. If we haven’t yet booked a follow-up, I’ll suggest a date at this time and we can go from there. I want to make sure that you have time to make progress.

4. Why don’t you do packages of appointments, like other Holistic Nutritionists?

I’ve carefully considered this, thought about what would really be the most beneficial format for my clients, and I went with my gut on the decision not to use this booking structure. You are absolutely welcome to book as many appointments as you like, if you feel like that accountability and structure is what will work best for you. I don’t want to require that of people, however. My plans are not one-size-fits-all. Some people need more time to reach their specific goals, and they need more guidance and accountability. Some may find that they’re really getting it after 3-4 appointments, and they don’t need a 10 appointment package to reach their goals. Some will need even more time. The individual appointment format provides that flexibility, and it is more practical in terms of cost.

5. Can I see you in person, or are all of your appointments virtual?

At this time, most of my services are virtual, but there are exceptions. Groceries for Granny has both in-person and virtual options. I’m happy to discuss meeting in person for regular intakes and appointments as well.

6. Are you ever going to have a brick and mortar clinic?

Yes. That is the ultimate goal, and I’m working on making it happen!

I hope you've found this helpful. These are some frequently asked questions, but if you have any other questions, please send an email to or ask in the comments section. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Source: Melissa Baumgaertner

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